DAO Proposals
What is a DAO Proposal?
DISCLAIMER: Though Gray Boys, LLC has given authority to its DAO members to make proposals and vote democratically for the actions of the DAO, @ArkDev & @Temptranquil reserve the rights to over-rule proposals for reasons we believe are for the good of the greater community and business. This list of rules & guidelines is subject to change at any time, on the discretion of the team.
How to Make a Proposal:
*Gray Boys Discord Access Required
Proposal Rules:
Proposals will be related to NFT acquisition or liquidation only. Any operational type proposals are not allowed and will be deleted immediately. The Gray Boys, LLC team will decide how business is conducted.
No self-purchases. We cannot acquire Gray Boys to artificially raise the floor, mostly due to legal reasons. This includes NFT Worlds, since the projects may not be directly related, but have the same founders and therefore legal association.
Proposal authors must give close attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If English is not your first language and you don’t feel confident, please reach out to a @Moderator / @Community Moderator for assistance!
Proposals must be executable at the end of voting. Proposals cannot call for future action, such as “Mint X NFT on X date”. No proposals for items outside of the DAO's budget (Current ETH holdings) at the time of proposing.
Acquisitions/Sales within the Ethereum blockchain only.
Proposal Submission Guidelines & Format:
Proposal Title Must be formatted as follows:
<BUY or SELL> < COST > <Title> Example: (BUY)(10-20Eth) Acquire 2 “Cool Cats”
Proposals MUST include the following information:
a. Please head to the discord channel
and click the "Open Proposal" button to create a proposal channel. Be sure to include the SAME information you provided on Snapshot.org. Rename the channel to include the snapshot #.*IMPORTANT: Proposals without a discussion channel WILL BE REMOVED
Description of the project the proposal is related to, including links to resources/information about the project.
Strategic reasoning for the Acquisition/Sale.
Breakdown of the budget, including the range of pricing. Example: “We will acquire 2 Cool Cats NFTs, from the floor, with a budget of 1-2Eth each, totaling up to 4Eth.
Voting options must be ONLY “Yes” or “No”
Where Do I See Current DAO Funds?
The DAO wallet is funded in ETH, shown here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x16DbCd202be906c36667258799155d48Fb6C9584
Last updated